Margaret's poetry has been featured in many literary journals, both in print and online. Below is a sampling.
The Christian Century:
”Hagar and Ishmael, Jean-Charles Cazin, 1880”
”A Woman of Salt Near the Dead Sea”
”The Bird”
”Eve’s Journey”
”When Hannah Spoke with God”
Cumberland River Review:
"Correspondence: Trenzas"
"Sunday Market, Tlacolula, Mexico"
”The Raising of Jairus's Daughter”
Valparaiso Poetry Review:
"Your Garden in Winter"
"How It Might Have Been”
"Mary Shelley's Dream"
”At the Circus, 1925”
Alaska Quarterly Review:
"Near the Grave of Effie Gray"
"Naming the Natural World"
The Los Angeles Review and The Ekphrastic Review:
"John Baptizes Jesus at the Odney Pool"
"Folk Tale"
"For Grant Wood"
Beltway Poetry Quarterly:
Four poems from The Invented Child
”Where the Very Stones Were Green”
"The Invented Child"
“Emerson Mourns the Death of His Son”
"Writing on the Window" (Winner of the 2011 Graybeal-Gowen Prize)
”One Morning”
”For the Last Man on Portsmouth Island”
”Looking for Virginia Dare”
”’Adoration of the Magi,’ ca. 1475”
The American Journal of Poetry:
”For the Women Who Claimed It: Angastaco, Argentina”